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15 May 2011, 11:25
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Steam ID or Minecraft name:Freanor(steam) SPAMSHOK(minecraft)
Time you were banned:(i was black listed) at around 14h00
Reason why you were banned:One brick destruction and one diamond block destruc
Explanation of why you think you were wrongly banned:
i think that i was wrongly black listed because of the fact that
I was blacklisted once for brick destruction and got redeemd with last warning.
I was blacklisted later for the destruction of a diamond block i destroyed a round about the same time as the brick(give or take 30 mins) both things happened yesterday but blacklisting happened today.
so i do not understand why I was RE-blacklisted
there also the fact that i gave the dude that the diamond block belonged too 15 diamonds as compensation and so he can rebuild it (this was done of my free will i was not forced)
I really like this server and i really regret what i did all i want to do is go back to my house far away from civilisation and continue building i hope the admins-mods reading this understand
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09 Apr 2010, 16:02
930 Posts

You were banned once for griefing, but since it was in such a small scale, the admins were cool with you and gave you a second chance. Then you griefed again, as you just admitted and got blacklisted.

Also known as TheOwner24 on MineCraft.

CaRIOcas 2012:
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09 Aug 2009, 01:08
881 Posts

1337Wince - No, get your facts straight fool.

He griefed some stuff -
Then he was given another chance -
Then one of our moderators discovered something else he did before he was given his second chance and then he was blacklisted once again.

In other words, he did not waste his second chance as he did not grief after he was unblacklisted the first time.

Chinichi revoked you the second time so it is his decision whether he wants you back or not.
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09 Apr 2010, 16:02
930 Posts

Sorry, small information mistake from my side :(

Also known as TheOwner24 on MineCraft.

CaRIOcas 2012:
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