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19 Dec 2009, 17:16
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11 Aug 2009, 20:12
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This article is 100% accurate.

After playing Minecraft, I shrugged off my sinful ways and converted to Christianity.

It says in the bible: "What I say to you, I say to everyone: 'Watch! God will remind the wicked of his presence, during any game or pleasure." (Mark 13:37). That is clearly 100% undeniable evidence that God intended a game to be made which would remind the wicked, decedent secular world of God's Presence. Notch is mearly his messenger.

It is obvious that the weapons within Minecraft are that of the Knights Templar, and the Christian Crusades. Even "Griefers" get a mention in the bible, in direct relation to passages about "Hordes of unruly souls, destined to rape and pillage any settlement which takes their fancy" (John 11:78).

The incantation of Hell was the last clue as to Minecraft's biblical origin. Where-ever did the idea for fire and brimstone is a hell setting? The Bible and Jesus's words designed to ward off sinners from hell. The very realistic interpretation in Minecraft is enough to put anyone off sinning and to embrace the word of God. Imagine, eternity in a pit of fire with a creeper constantly ramming in to you and zombies chopping you up? No Thanks, I'm gonna embrace Jesus instead.

I emplor all of you to Listen to the word of God and embrace Christianity before it is too late.

LOL jk, I'm a Militant Atheist really and Richard Dawkins is my saviour.
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29 Sep 2010, 23:03
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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It's a joke, btw.
I mean look at the sig to the right.
Love Our Lord!" :P
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