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Re: Griefers

20 Dec 2010, 21:18

Someone on steam said to me the server that they were on (your server) got griefed last night and well we got seriously griefed yesterday entire forests including some nice houses totally gone lots of people work just went to waste. Just wondering what happened as we all just got on our server and everything was destroyed.

Re: Griefers

20 Dec 2010, 23:40

Some guy managed to do a serious amount of damage, sadly. :\

Re: Griefers

20 Dec 2010, 23:42

People need to grow up, lmfao. Doing serious damage to people's buildings in a LEGO-game. Mature people out there :ghost:

Re: Griefers

21 Dec 2010, 00:08

I couldn't agree more. It's not even hard to build somthing.

Re: Griefers

21 Dec 2010, 00:14

I think its more they want stuff without mining.

Re: Griefers

21 Dec 2010, 12:03

Yeah probably, Surely enough in their heads they know they'll be banned for greifing, though.

Re: Griefers

21 Dec 2010, 12:12

*sigh* we just got griefed again someone went insne with lava burned down everything, its getting a lil out of hand...

Re: Griefers

21 Dec 2010, 16:32

isnt the server offline? :o

Re: Griefers

21 Dec 2010, 16:50

elamre wrote:isnt the server offline? :o

Tholir hosts his own server lol
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