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19 Jun 2011, 01:09
40 Posts

Okay so here's the question : If I build my shop in a "village" that is the supposely "propriety" of someone, can he destroy my things and don't give them back without my permission and without getting banned for grieffing? Thanks for answering.
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09 Aug 2009, 01:08
881 Posts

One of our rules states to respect other player's build space, so if you build in someone elses 'village' which is their build space, without their permission, you have broken one of our rules.

I'm not sure they have the right to destroy your building and not give you back the materials, but they may have the rules on their site. What they should do instead, is to contact a moderator or an administrator to take care of the rulebreaker.

---- EDIT ----

We found a solution to this, opaulhus got his time to move his stuff and he will no longer build in their village.
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19 Jun 2011, 01:09
40 Posts

You're totally right. So, in this situation, they cannot grief.

Ok, thanks :D
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