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26 May 2011, 08:30
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First the request:
Me and my fellow citizens of Frontiersman Follows (/warp ff) have agreed that we want the obsidian gate right behind the warp active so that we can start a Frontiersman Doom or something.
If someone with the ability to use lighters would open the gate it would be very appreciated.

And the idea I got:
For some reason I gathered half a stack of netherrack, only to realize that I didn't really have any use of it because I cant light it. So I got this idea that maybe someone could make it possible to light only netherrack and obsidian. The reason why we common mortals cant use lighters on aprilon is because of the griefing, right? Since most of the netherrack outside the nether is probably going to be on fire you cant really grief it. And I don't think anyone wants to build a obsidian gate that isn't active.

What do you think?

Also, new to the Aprilon forum I have to try out this awesome Quagmire smiley: :quagmire:
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07 May 2011, 22:41
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I think this belongs in the "Suggestions and feedback" forum:


Also, are you trying to say that the fire won't spread or burn through blocks? In that sense it is harmless.

I too have kinda bumped the idea around that maybe it would be possible to make it so that flint&steel works on only portals and netherrack, because like [how I think] you mentioned, it won't spread or destroy any blocks.

transformation tuesday: my selfie from the original selfie thread vs my selfie now
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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But wouldn't you just, (if you wanted to grief), place a netherrack next to a wooden house, then light it on fire? That way, it would be travelling sideways onto the house/tree/whatever.
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02 Jan 2011, 00:58
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Well, you can make it so that the fire won't spread either, and just light the block that you clicked.

I personally think this is a rather good idea.

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26 May 2011, 08:30
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Or maybe you could just make wood and leaves and other flammable stuff fireproof. Then the fire can't spread and you can KILL EM WITH FIRE (mobs) when they are on dirt or sand and stuff and get a easy cooked porkchop. This means that players can ignite each other but you can do that with lava anyways so that shouldn't be a problem.
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07 May 2011, 22:41
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I would just stick with just netherrack and portals, along with the no-spreading thing. No mob/player killing.

But the odds that this would come through are quite slim in my eyes, I suppose I'll talk to Karl. You may just have to stick with begging admins like RoY4lZ hard enough to light the fire :D

[Edit: you do know you can get an admin to light the blocks, right?]

transformation tuesday: my selfie from the original selfie thread vs my selfie now
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30 Jun 2011, 16:55
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Wait a second. In singleplayer, if you put any wood based material too close to lava it will burn. The same wont happen on the aprilon minecraft server. My conclusion from that is that fire simply wont spread there. I dont know if I´m right, but it sounds pretty logic, huh? BD
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26 May 2011, 08:30
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Nah, its just that fires cant burn at all on the aprilon server. Nothing cant ignite unless someone with the superpower to do that fix it for you.

Also, you can almost hear the admins and mods sigh when you ask them to light a fire or spawn something, this sure would mean less work them.
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07 May 2011, 22:41
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Karl wrote:
BLOOD, as professional and loyal to this community as usual, is planning to port things over to Bukkit

Since LifeTimeBLOOD (vmp32k) is porting us to bukkit, I suppose that if it's not tweakable, he, I, or someone else good with the Bukkit API could perhaps recode the worldguard so that fire would perform in such a way.

transformation tuesday: my selfie from the original selfie thread vs my selfie now
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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What's Bukkit coded in? Lua?
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07 May 2011, 22:41
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No, Bukkit plugins are coded in Java, with the Bukkit API.

transformation tuesday: my selfie from the original selfie thread vs my selfie now
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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I need to bother to learn Lua at some point. D: Fluent in Java, and they're pretty much the same.
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
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ManIAc wrote:
they're pretty much the same.

Not really, Java is to Lua what C++ is to Visual Basic :v
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Well.. I have coded a lot in Java, and a bit in Lua.. And they seemed pretty much the same to me, language wise. :P Not how they work.
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