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18 May 2011, 03:53
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Most of us know that there have been many new players joining the server lately, and our number of frequent players has risen. Because of this, I want to begin an on-going event for all players.

My idea is to have a competition or mini game that players can participate in every week for a small prize. Some ideas for these games include the following: PvP tournaments, Spleef tournaments, parkour tracks, variations of "Race for the Wool,"
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and variations of hunger/survival games.
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I plan on having a lobby (possibly in eos2 with chinichi's permission) that contains information that will tell players: 1) What the games are. 2) What the point is and how to play. 3) What and when next week's game is. I also plan on including a recommendation board for players to give game ideas.

Obviously, the location for the games may vary. We can clearly use some current builds, such as Fusly Field or chinichi's pvp stadium, yet others will have to be created. I have pwarps to several very large islands, that are isolated in the ocean, which I feel may be a good spot to place some of these builds.

My general goal is to have fun events that help bring players together. I understand that these games might not be able to occur every week, but I believe summer will give us time to keep these events going. My general point to posting this is to get the word out and ask for help. Obviously, this project will not work if other players do not participate. Anyone is welcome to help with this project and any help or feedback is greatly appreciated.

Thanks :)



Updated August 11:
Unfortunately, Weekly Games has had some complications and delays, and has not fully launched. The Weekly Games will be further delayed until the new world, where we can then start the activities there. I apologize for the delay, but hopeful once this gets going, it will be worth it.

Updated July:
The Weekly Games lobby is now DONE! Give us your suggestions, vote for a game, and sign up. You can do so by going to the lobby located in the south-east corner of Eos2, messaging me, or leaving a comment on this topic. I will be giving updates on upcoming events and next week's game. HAVE FUN!

I am also looking for people to help build. I plan to have several different locations set up for each popular game, but I can't do it alone! The faster we get these builds done, the quicker we can play, so please help! Message me or leave a sign at the lobby to let me know.


Upcoming Game Options:


Server Admin Server Admin
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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I have always wanted to play race for the wool. :P But it'd have to be organized and with tactics and such, else it's just a bunch a random people running around, and that won't be fun for anyone.
Server Admin Server Admin
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18 May 2011, 03:53
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ManIAc wrote:
I have always wanted to play race for the wool. :P But it'd have to be organized and with tactics and such, else it's just a bunch a random people running around, and that won't be fun for anyone.

You're right. It's only fun if played correctly, yet I believe the maps which were featured in the reddit tournament are way too large and complex for us anyways (unless we really spent a long time organizing teams, building, and practicing). I think we can create many simple games which follow the overall goal of race for the wool, and in this way, the games can vary from foot races through the nether to an all-out PvP battle for the wool.

Then again, some early preparation will be possible, especially after the builds are finished.

Server Admin Server Admin
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Agree! Anyhow, if you end up arranging anything like this, let me know. I'd gladly help out organizing/building/whatever.
Server Admin Server Admin
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18 May 2011, 03:53
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I'll make sure. I want this to involve the whole community, so I'm taking all the help I can get :) .

Minecraft Administrator Minecraft Administrator
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07 Mar 2011, 00:08
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oddly enough i was planning in introducing weekly events like this
(i was going to use eos2 as a hunger game map)

soo.... I'm for this :3

Last bumped by Pr0ph3cy7 on 07 Jul 2012, 21:59.

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