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Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
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Keep in mind that this site is just for the seed; I knew someone would find out how to trick the system and thats fine.
This is not a high-security online webstore form for credit card information or something like that. ;)

No. No IP addresses are logged, all stored data is voluntary (the 'clients' db is only for the 'X users online' feature).
Minecraft Administrator Minecraft Administrator
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07 Mar 2011, 00:08
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start voting on jamza
watch Game Grumps Episode
watch Game Grumps Episode
repeat until victory
no cheats were involved.
at least not on my voting for jamza :u

long story short

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29 Oct 2011, 22:15
103 Posts

chinichi wrote:
start voting on jamza
watch Game Grumps Episode
watch Game Grumps Episode
repeat until victory
no cheats were involved.
at least not on my voting for jamza :u

long story short

Oh joy. :cop: Time to win this competition!

EDIT: WORD OF WARNING: The warps are all screwy again. Even triple warping won't save you and your items! I just lost everything I had and now there is no way I can do my planned final changes without nabbing creative mode again. This really sucks.

EDIT2: This competition has gone sour.
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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I want a redo. Cakemountain has only gotten 1 vote. The webpage must be faulty. :<
Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
467 Posts

The polls are now closed and this is the final ranking:
I'll be preparing the server for the new world and it should be accessible today or tomorrow. :D

To those who are interested, source code for teh whole thing is on github.

Edit: sneak peek
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Thanks to whoever voted for Cakemountain twice. It warms my heart! :D!
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18 May 2011, 03:53
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I must say that I CANT BELIEVE 'NomNomNomPenis' actually won the contest. Wow. Congrats Jamza....


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29 Oct 2011, 22:15
103 Posts

Pr0ph3cy7 wrote:
I must say that I CANT BELIEVE 'NomNomNomPenis' actually won the contest. Wow. Congrats Jamza....


It sort of didn't. Chinichi just spammed the hell out of it a few days before the end. I got ticked off becasue I was worried that the admins would take it seriously. I then voted about 100 or so times to stop him, but I had buisness to attend to and stopped when Chinichi was at 116 and I was at ~140. That was an hour away from the end so I guess you can tell what happened from there.

It was pretty much a battle between Chinichi's "7 friends" and my 23 open tabs. In the end, an hour away, I decided that I would not let that optin win and added a ton of votes but chinichi added an even higher number than me in that small time frame. I'm just going to post the entire chatlog, it will be in the chatlog thread about now.
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11 Aug 2009, 20:12
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Pr0ph3cy7 wrote:
I must say that I CANT BELIEVE 'NomNomNomPenis' actually won the contest. Wow. Congrats Jamza...

I hope it does end up being "NomNomNomPenis" rather than these filthy h4x0r children.
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Wow drama. It's just a seed. :D
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27 Apr 2011, 02:02
54 Posts

Yeah, I think this is being taken a little too seriously. It's just the seed, and not even the whole seed; it's not like the spawned world will have "NomNomNomPenis" spelled in giant letters.

Until I get to work.

IRC creep and winner of World's Handsomest Biomedical Scientist (Student) 2012, 2013 AND 2014!
Fascinatingly, I go by the name of jamesctplant on Minecraft and Telo on IRC.
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18 May 2011, 03:53
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Farmer wrote:
Yeah, I think this is being taken a little too seriously. It's just the seed, and not even the whole seed; it's not like the spawned world will have "NomNomNomPenis" spelled in giant letters.

Until I get to work.

Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
467 Posts

The New World has been opened up for everyone. :D
If you'd like to visit it, use /spawn to return to the spawn and look for a Gate without the nether-gate effect (like this) to go to the lobby world. If you came from the "Old World" the "New World" Portal will be directly across the portal you exited.
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27 Apr 2011, 02:02
54 Posts

Cyber and I have gone in and started building, abandoning all our riches from the old world in the meantime for a fresh start.

I have two comments: The first is that as of right now there's no real system or order on the new map; we've started building a shelter atop a hill near the spawn but I'm not sure what will happen now. Will a grid be built? Will the area surrounding the spawn be flattened and homogenized into stone like Eos2? I must say I rather like the landscape.

My second comment is that as beautiful as newspawn is, it's confusing to have it triplicated across the two worlds and lobby. It's not immediately obvious where you are, and I could see this being off-putting to newcomers. Maybe signs or colour-coding would help.

Just my two cents.

IRC creep and winner of World's Handsomest Biomedical Scientist (Student) 2012, 2013 AND 2014!
Fascinatingly, I go by the name of jamesctplant on Minecraft and Telo on IRC.
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11 Sep 2001, 19:41
1994 Posts

Farmer wrote:
My second comment is that as beautiful as newspawn is, it's confusing to have it triplicated across the two worlds and lobby. It's not immediately obvious where you are, and I could see this being off-putting to newcomers. Maybe signs or colour-coding would help..

I also experienced the same confusing situation.

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