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13 Jun 2011, 04:34
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So, Puckey's SignShops plugin was nice, but it stopped working a long time ago and I haven't even seen him on IRC in a fair amount of time. Is there any chance we'll get a working shop/trading plugin anytime soon?

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18 May 2011, 03:53
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I do think a shop plug-in is nice and handy... As for what and when, I have no clue... Maybe we could see (whenever he's on) if Puckey would like to fix his, but otherwise... Idk.

Find one or write one I guess?

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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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I'd love to fix the current one/code a new one, but I simply have no time for it atm. :/ If Puckey doesn't pick it up, I might give it a go some time next week.
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07 Mar 2011, 00:08
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might aswell turn emeralds into valid currency.

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29 Oct 2011, 22:15
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The only kind of trading plugin we really need is one that allows you to trade stuff when the other player is offline.

We might be able to use the Villager GUI for such a mod though.
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Have Karl, Blood and the lot, ever thought about using the Spout API for bukkit? GUI's could be quite handy when making plugins, and could indeed make the trade-plugin a lot easier.
Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
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Spoutcraft is a great client but conflicts with other client mods like OptiFine, ModLoader or shader mods.. and the Spout server plugin takes quite some time to update, so those features would be unavailable for longer. :/
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Ah okay. Well then people will have to do with text-based plugins. :P
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11 Aug 2009, 20:12
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A simple solution would be to modify chests, a plugin which would only allow someone to take something out if they put X emeralds in?
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07 Mar 2011, 00:08
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Jamza wrote:
A simple solution would be to modify chests, a plugin which would only allow someone to take something out if they put X emeralds in?

a plugin similar to HPG's but uses emeralds as currency
instead of X of item Y to get Z of item Q

have it X amout of emerald to get Z amout of Q

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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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That would be very simple to make. Would need to have a failsafe though, so people can't put stuff in it, if there isn't anything left to trade for, and keep track of payment, if they pay too little.
INSPIRATION! As my internet is borked atm, I might just start a little project. Been ages since I have coded anything in Java, only been doing HTML, CSS and JavaScript lately. Could use the change.

Could people specify some requirements? Should the currency be emeralds? That would make a very slow start, as there isn't much emeralds around atm. is there?
Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
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I could add some technical requirements. :3:
Make it a "maven" project, makes it so much easier to compile and pull dependencies.
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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First I'll work on getting a local copy up and running, THEN I'll worry about what the hell "maven" is. ;)

EDIT: Aha. I know what maven is, but haven't actually used it before. :P As previously mentioned, my internet is really borked, so I'm being forced to using my mother's work-connection, until I move to my new apartment, and it's really restricted when it comes to TCP connections, so it probably wouldn't work.
Hacker Hacker
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20 Mar 2010, 20:58
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Its not what you think it is (not a SCM), its for managing java library dependencies.
You could for example add a "bukkit version X.Y.Z" dependency and it will automatically download the right jar from the bukkit site (if you use the bukkit repo) and put it in the right directory. No fuss with classpaths and the likes. :D
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25 Nov 2009, 22:49
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Oh! Then I admit I had no idea.
Sounds great. I'll have to pull your sleeve later on about that. :)
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